30Friends 5Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
who else could i be but me :-P
powerofme says
15 years ago 2
now... i really have to study (rofl)
powerofme is
15 years ago 34
suppose to be studying chinese ... but i don't feel like it (rofl) hehe
powerofme is
15 years ago
studying... (wow, that's a first right? =)) yah, pretty much :-))
powerofme says
15 years ago 21
cramming for art :-o we're suppose to make our t-shirt design already ... and i have no idea what my design would be yet...
powerofme says
15 years ago
happy fathers' day :-)
powerofme says
15 years ago
hi :-) will eat lunch
powerofme says
15 years ago
yes! it's finally the weekend! woohoo (party)
powerofme says
15 years ago
bored but busy...
powerofme says
15 years ago
ugh... i don't want to go to school ... so tired... these pass 3 days feel like 3 years... :-o
powerofme says
15 years ago
it's just the second day and we have a pile of homework already :-o