35Friends 18Fans
female Davao, Philippines
I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I had this dream
Right inside of me
I'm going to let it show
It's time
To let you know
This is the real,
im'yours:) says
15 years ago
**anybody home** ??
im'yours:) says
15 years ago
im'yours:) says
15 years ago
**hello** :-P
im'yours:) says
15 years ago
*buhbye* (wave)
im'yours:) is
15 years ago
**eating** *jackfruit&duriaaaaan* (hungry)
im'yours:) says
15 years ago 4
**huhuh** theology exam pala namin bukas!!! **pataii** (LOL)
im'yours:) says
15 years ago 7
**hello** :-)
im'yours:) says
15 years ago 1
buhbye (wave)
im'yours:) says
15 years ago
*weee* :-P
im'yours:) says
15 years ago 1
goodevening :-D