8Friends 51Fans
male Manila, Philippines
12 years ago
Now that Xmas is over, share with us what are some traditions/common occurrences you notice for the Xmas? #TuwingPaskoNalang #wakeupshow
12 years ago
Welcome back to work! Hope you've recovered from your Xmas food coma! Join VinceGolangco TracyAbad & share your Xmas gifts! #WakeUpShow
12 years ago
LAST DAY to #ConVinceVince to give you a Sony Laptop, Cameras or Phone for Xmas SonyPHinc WINNER DEC 25! bit.ly/R1ccOy
12 years ago
Chillin' like a villain on penicillin this Xmas Eve! Lots of music today w/ VinceGolangco TracyAbad - Mellow947.fm #WakeUpShow
12 years ago
WE'RE STILL ALIVE! After all our confessions from the "End of the World" idea, now it's time to take it all back! #BinabawiKoNA #WakeUpShow
12 years ago
Has the world ended yet? Let's count down our last seconds on this planet with music and fun stuff! VinceGolangco TracyAbad #WakeUpShow
12 years ago
The "End of the World" is here! 1 LAST DAY! Time to let our dirty laundry out! Time to admit all your secrets! #ilabasmona #WakeUpShow
12 years ago
1 LAST DAY! Tomorrow..Dec 21..NOTHING will probably happen..or the end of the world..either way. Join VinceGolangco TracyAbad #WakeUpShow
12 years ago
Don't the holidays just make people a bit more... nice? What are those situations that just make you say #PaskoNamanEh ?! #WakeUpShow
12 years ago
LAST 2 DAYS til the End of the World thingy! Hold me... VinceGolangco TracyAbad here to turn your last 2 days into fun days! #WakeUpShow