4Friends 3Fans
female Bandung, Indonesia
When positive thinking is always in your mind, luck will always be with you (dng izin Allah tentunya..^_^)
ra_pertiwi akan
14 years ago
Someday I'll say this for the right person, that "Love was made for me and you" (heart)
ra_pertiwi pikir
14 years ago
too many things to be thankful,but why just for remember HIM & give more time it was difficult,just hypocrisy behind the word love for HIM
ra_pertiwi pikir
14 years ago
true prince will captivate ur heart with a polite&respectful way,of course with the blessings of God(if different from this? dont believe!)
ra_pertiwi pikir
14 years ago
tegas bukanlah dengan cara marah,jangan pelihara hati yang lemah!!!
ra_pertiwi bilang
14 years ago
kenapa merasa keren dng atribut itu?!
ra_pertiwi bilang
14 years ago
for people who missed me/who ever I missed&who have been in my heart/I've ever been in his heart,sorry,I just want to believe in Allah
ra_pertiwi bilang
14 years ago
katakanlah hr ini a/ miliknya Allah yg akan kembali kepd Nya kapan & d mn saja
ra_pertiwi pikir
14 years ago
loh kok nyalahin nenek moyang?! hehe (doh) :-D :-P
ra_pertiwi pikir
14 years ago
masih teringat sakitnya,semoga tak lagi terulang,pernah buat salah apa dulu para leluhur ku?! semoga Allah mengampuni dosa2 beliau,amiin..
ra_pertiwi pikir
14 years ago
satu lagi,teman kami telah mendahului kami untuk menghadap sang Maha Pencipta, semoga amal perbuatannya di terima Allah amiin