15Friends 54Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
i think i am at the wrong path in my life and i blog at rainingheaven.blogspot.com
rainingheaven wants
15 years ago 2
to have ice cream
rainingheaven says
15 years ago
that plurk is still crappy
rainingheaven is
15 years ago
rainingheaven says
15 years ago
that she got the job! got the news the following day!
rainingheaven wonders
15 years ago
what is wrong with plurk?
rainingheaven is
15 years ago
looking for boho/gypsy skirts with affordable price
rainingheaven needs
15 years ago
rainingheaven is
15 years ago
15 years ago
(brokenheart) with plurk
rainingheaven says
15 years ago
she's converting to twitter