a hellish week of work is about over...and no, I don't get Good Friday off. I'm working today.
leaving work now...very tired from the busy install weekend, one more conf call tonight then early to bed
happy, her Karma is over 25 now and she gets kewl smileys
bummed her team was pummelled last night by UNC. At least I was on numerous conference calls and didn't have to listen to the announcers
heading to the store to get pizza for tonight, and still has more work to do from home...sigh.
excited her team MSU Spartans is playing for the NCAA basketball championship tonight! And I'm leading in the office pool!
testing out plurking from my phone
be having a busy weekend--system installation weekend at work, so lots of phone calls during the week.
anyone know if there is a way to view twitter tweets here in Plurk? I know Plurk sends datato twitter, but does anything come this way?