13Friends 10Fans
male Puerto Rico
I am a dreamer: Astronomer, Photographer, Designer, Teacher, Musician, Pilot, Engineer.... and a dreamer of this Caribbean island.
User regulluz basically everywhere.
regulluz says
12 years ago
Oh look! Iberia sent an airbus A346 today to SJU!
regulluz says
12 years ago
Jailbraking for iPhone 4S 5.1.1 has arrived!!
regulluz says
12 years ago
Casa, luz, comida, agua, telefono, subsidios, ropa, educacion y ahora INTERNET gratis! #mantengo
regulluz says
12 years ago
Mucho DINERO desperdiciado! Imagínense: el papel de baño de estos ejecutivos ha de ser hecho de billetes de $100.
regulluz says
12 years ago
Según dice en este mapa, hay tapón en todos lados! Salvese quien pueda! Google MapsGoogle Maps
regulluz says
12 years ago
#Ley 22 de tránsito de #PR dice: conductor recibirá trato cordial y servicio eficiente de funcionarios del Dpto y las agencias de Gobierno.
regulluz says
12 years ago
Just experienced my Biggest Dissapointment. I know U all will be surprised, being such an advocate but, I retract: DO NOT BUY LENOVO. #fail
regulluz says
12 years ago
Chico de 13 años inventó cura para el hipo!!
regulluz says
12 years ago
Ever since the Cosmic Love single, Florence + The Machine has put a spell on me, un poco nerviosa, vean esto:
regulluz says
12 years ago
Oh! jetblue You are so kind! Why have a picture of Southwest in your blogpost?! - Nice reading, though.