Mrs Schwarzman
86Friends 92Fans
female Second life
Metaverse citizen Rheta Shan, originally hailing from Second Life. Find out more on my blog, Rheta’s World.

I am on Plurk for fun, and thus try to keep my plurkline free of gratuitous drama, karma, and other annoyances.
Mrs Schwarzman asks
15 years ago 5
is it just me, or is Plurk *totally* borked today ?
Mrs Schwarzman shares
15 years ago
Apple made the Safari 4 beta public today. Looks nice so far.
Mrs Schwarzman says
15 years ago 1
good night — be well, be happy, and those of you who aren’t, feel loved and and held.
Mrs Schwarzman
15 years ago 4
corrects her previous statement : she wasn’t silly enough to sell her land for L$ 0. She sold it deeded to a group of people mostly AWOL.
Mrs Schwarzman has
15 years ago 15
set up some of her land for sale at L$ 0 by error. It was gone before I winked. Serves me right.
Mrs Schwarzman
15 years ago 4
waves Plurkville good night. So much love to share (heart)
Mrs Schwarzman has
15 years ago 12
partnered the one she loves. And loves her partner so much.
Mrs Schwarzman asks
15 years ago 2
Plurkville to take notice of her new name *giggles and thinks of Twitter, where nobody will catch what she alludes to*
Mrs Schwarzman is
15 years ago 6
going in-world, only slightly jarred by the B horror movie mood of the login screen.
Mrs Schwarzman is
15 years ago 4
off. Just like that.