35Friends 53Fans
male Los Angeles, CA, United States
Welcome to my Plurk page!

I'm going to make this different from all my other social-net sites by just having fun with the whole thing. Every day or so, I will be giving one lucky friend a horrorscope! Hope it helps you guide your every day life!
rossbud says
15 years ago 1
crap ulit download. I LOVE VISTA!
rossbud says
15 years ago
2 more hours
rossbud says
15 years ago
ogbinar: Antagal naman niting DnD download.
rossbud says
15 years ago
Good morning! Baging ligo yay
rossbud says
15 years ago
nooooo~~~ Demon's Souls now has a North American version! Now I'm stuck with ENGRISH!
rossbud likes
15 years ago 5
making tricky exams! (heart)
rossbud shares
15 years ago
THINGS I HATE ABOUT VISTA 5: They moved things around! It's hell setting up a network connection!
rossbud says
15 years ago 2
back to back! Week 6... then Week 7! Almost there!
rossbud says
15 years ago
Microsoft Virtual Labs to the rescue!
rossbud is
15 years ago
making exams.