65Friends 11Fans
female medellin, Philippines
ツ❤ℛʋηα✓ is
13 years ago 4
now really signing off....bye2x
ツ❤ℛʋηα✓ is
13 years ago 10
still not sleepy
ツ❤ℛʋηα✓ says
13 years ago 5
it's getting late..or should I say "early"....i better hit the hay....g'bye plurkers
time check✔: 12:30 am
ツ❤ℛʋηα✓ is
13 years ago 2
hello TE VERNZZZ (wave)
ツ❤ℛʋηα✓ is
13 years ago 12
starting to hate fb
13 years ago 2
4 hours of sleep....not bad!
ツ❤ℛʋηα✓ says
13 years ago 3
calling meFAKEwon't make uREAL,calling meDUMB won't make uSMART,calling meWEAKwon't make uSTRONG,calling meUGLYwont make uPRETTY,so why try?
13 years ago 9
had a great day...
ツ❤ℛʋηα✓ says
13 years ago
It's sad when people you know become people you knew. When you can walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life.