11Friends 2Fans
female Chipping Norton, Great Britain (UK)
Cosplayer, RPer, gamer, avid fangirl of anything and everything that takes my fancy.
10 years ago 2
Every so often a fanfiction idea creeps up on me like a creepy-crawly thing and sits in my hair like "HI."
10 years ago 1
Right. Tea, raspberry and coconut slice, and then folding clothes, I guess?
10 years ago
So, does anyone have that friend who texts you and says "Hey, mind if I pop in for a chat?" when they're already on their way to your house, assuming you'll be free?
10 years ago 1
Goood... afternoon, Plurk!
10 years ago 11
My girlfriend is a goddamned tank. She was way, way more sick than I was last night. Went to bed at five, got up at nine, went to work.
10 years ago 3
Ow. Alcohol is the worst. It's 8am and I'm sat in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil, nursing the un-funnest hangover ever.
10 years ago 4
{Buttpat} Put the dry washing away, tucked the stuffed toys and Sheno's Christmas presents out of sight, hoovered, cleared off her desk.
10 years ago 1
One day's notice before photographers come and take pics of the house should be illegal.
10 years ago
Blargh. I am so tired, for no good reason.
10 years ago
{Sex facts} Apparently blowing into the vagina can cause an embolism and lead to death. /brb crossing les forever