48Friends 44Fans
female Canberra, Australia
User experience professional, information architect and interaction designer.
RuthEllison has
15 years ago 8
another busy house day ahead involving planting all the lovely herbs and veggies we bought yesterday!
RuthEllison is
15 years ago
tired. Good night!
RuthEllison has
15 years ago
just finished watching Doctor Who at the Proms, while having dinner. Lovely music.
RuthEllison is
15 years ago 2
laughing hard at The Recently Deflowered Girl -
RuthEllison says
15 years ago 10
bargain! $30 for 2 Jamie Oliver's books at the post office - Jamie's Italy and The Return of the Naked Chef. (dance)
RuthEllison is
15 years ago 2
still at work :'-( (but not working). Waiting for hubby to finish work, drop off a workmate and then come pick me up.
RuthEllison is
15 years ago
tired. Having trouble sleeping the past few nights. Must be the awful heat.
RuthEllison says
15 years ago 9
it's stinking hot in the house, some of the the sunflowers have wilted and the fridge door was left open all day.
RuthEllison says
15 years ago 2
I'm not used to having to get up early again, after two weeks of sleeping in!
RuthEllison says
15 years ago
my hands are STILL burning after handling all those chilli seeds that hubby was planting today.