8Friends 4Fans
male Mayen, Germany
I'm working as openSUSE Member, openSUSE Ambassador and working in the openSUSE Buildservice and the Marketing Team.
saigkill says
15 years ago 2
Good night!
saigkill is
15 years ago
working on Skrooge.
saigkill has
15 years ago
packaged SUSEnews an Translation Tool for the Weekly News.
saigkill is
15 years ago
working on the skrooge Package.
saigkill has
15 years ago 2
published #opensuse weekly news Issue 93. Just visit:
saigkill has
15 years ago
prepared the #opensuse weekly news. Now proofreading...
saigkill thinks
15 years ago
the Buildservice is down :-(
saigkill has
15 years ago
#opensuse #KDE committed some changes for amarok 2.2.0. Tweaked an -devel Package.
saigkill is
15 years ago 1
afraid about using quilt. Great Tool.
saigkill is
15 years ago
building boinc 6.6.40