15Friends 10Fans
female San Luis, CO, United States
I am a kid who you will find very outgoing, and very hyper most of the time. I enjoy God, Reading, Writing Poetry, Physical Fitness, Drawing, Blogging, Mountian Climbing, Mountian Biking, School, Music, Cooking.........
~Sam~ is
15 years ago 1
happy as ever
15 years ago 1
in Geometry! Then off too town!
15 years ago
hey everyone on for a few! Then Deplurking
15 years ago
just wants to say anyone who knows how to play a guitar congrats! I am now with you! :-P Deplurking!
15 years ago
got back from the church.. deplurking (dance)
15 years ago 1
*deplurking* Happy Halloween and be Safe :-P
~Sam~ is
15 years ago
happy as ever!
~Sam~ is
15 years ago
going to a game and movie night down at church tonight!(dance)
15 years ago
*deplurking* Night you all sweet dreams!
~Sam~ hates
15 years ago 1
drama! GRRR!!!!