6Friends 2Fans
female Singapore
samanlow says
15 years ago
tired after a long,fun day.
samanlow says
15 years ago
Ashley is sleeping long hours today.
samanlow says
15 years ago
she is wide awake at this hour. HAHA
samanlow says
15 years ago
Ashley has viral rashes. And some stupid auntie think its chickenpox and badmouth about Ashley. CCB
samanlow says
15 years ago
sweet ashley and darling hubby are deep in sleep. While I'm still wide awake. (tongue)
samanlow says
15 years ago
why so many bad things out of a sudden.
samanlow says
15 years ago
poor ashley has rashes on her upper part of her body. :-(
samanlow says
15 years ago
hopes Ashley's temperature won't go up anymore. 4 sleepless and worrying sick nights. :'-(
samanlow says
15 years ago
ashley is down with a fever of 38.3 degrees, sigh so worried about her
samanlow says
15 years ago
computer marjor lagging!