Sarcastic Mom
227Friends 66Fans
female Nashville, TN, United States
I'm a complete and total dork and spazzwad. That about sums it up.
Sarcastic Mom is
16 years ago 10
dumb. How can I search for someone here by name?
Sarcastic Mom thinks
16 years ago 14
this worried me, but Y's comment has just made it hilarious.
Sarcastic Mom feels
16 years ago 13
she may actually go to bed at a decent hour tonight. Might be a sign of the apocalypse, ya'll.
Sarcastic Mom loves
16 years ago 10
the little bit of knowledge on the front page of every time you load a page.
Sarcastic Mom is
16 years ago 3
replurking her first published column article: Motherhood: It Just Ain't Natural
Sarcastic Mom says
16 years ago 17
me love you long time if you read &comment on first article: Motherhood: It Just Ain't Natural.
Sarcastic Mom says
16 years ago 5
Mommy says I'm special.
Sarcastic Mom says
16 years ago 3
everyone notice the cool new changes to the Plurk Widget? I AM SO HAPPY!
Sarcastic Mom says
16 years ago 7
my first article gets posted on Thursday! Excited!
Sarcastic Mom says
16 years ago 10