Boom Hsu
30Friends 26Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Boom Hsu
15 years ago 9
i am sick (sick) ,so i take half a day leave. feel guilty. i have so many things to do.
Boom Hsu
15 years ago
G1 is so exciting but i cant see all the fights. who'll become the winner?!
Boom Hsu
15 years ago
trying to find out a great living mode to fit in. but idea.
Boom Hsu
15 years ago 9
為了在台北可以順利投資不受偷不偷的到無線網路影響!! 我想去辦個3.5g無線網路 有沒有人用過 有沒有推哪家?!
Boom Hsu
15 years ago 5
上次交的講義被電了 但是到現在還懶的修 誰來把我的懶惰鬼收伏
Boom Hsu
15 years ago 7
補習班聚餐天外天 快胖死我了..
Boom Hsu
15 years ago
Boom Hsu
15 years ago
話說士林鄰居的網路這星期都連不到 眼睜看股票賺的縮水~又不能plurk分享事情 so sad!! 不過颱風來我就殺回金了 ya!!
Boom Hsu
15 years ago 7
今天被唸了 哭 果然太不積極了
Boom Hsu
15 years ago 5
啊 小暑假結束了~~ 我到最後一天才要來拼講義..=.= 我改不了壞習慣