11Friends 94Fans
male Chicago, IL, United States
CEO of Scanlan Law Group. The attorneys of the Scanlan Law Group have provided aggressive legal representation on behalf of injury victims in cases involving personal injuries and wrongful death, medical malpractice, accidents........
scanlangroup says
12 years ago
In some cases, an out-of-court settlement may be the best resolution of your case. We know how to negotiate favorable damage settlements.
scanlangroup says
12 years ago
Since 1976,the attorneys of Scanlan Law Group have provided aggressive legal representation on behalf of injury victims
scanlangroup says
12 years ago
We fight for you, against personal injuries,wrongful death,#medical malpractice,#transportation injuries & more
scanlangroup says
12 years ago
Our team of professional lawyers will fight for you against personal injuries,wrongful death,#medical malpractice,#transportation injuries
scanlangroup says
12 years ago
The causes of work related injuries include fires & explosions;exposures to toxic chemicals & other environmental hazards
scanlangroup says
12 years ago
If you or a loved one have been injured,don't wait to take action,if u wait too long to file suit,ur claim may be barred
scanlangroup says
12 years ago
Scanlan Group,a law firm with more than 25 years of experience in representing personal injury & wrongful death victims
scanlangroup says
12 years ago
Since 1976,the attorneys of Scanlan Law Group have provided aggressive legal representation on behalf of injury victims
scanlangroup says
12 years ago
We have experience in handling personal injury cases,We have a boating accident lawyer that can handle your case for you
scanlangroup says
12 years ago
Call us toll free at 1-877-494-1309, and one of our attorneys will discuss your case with you on a free, no-obligation basis