Sarah A. White
3Friends 4Fans
female Philadelphia, PA, United States
I'm 16 and i have totally met the most awesome person ever. i am a geeky and i love it.
Sarah A. White is
15 years ago
thinking maybe my heart is just made to be broken over and over again
Sarah A. White is
15 years ago
blah i'm sick and on vacation blah :/
Sarah A. White is
15 years ago
going away be back in a week
Sarah A. White asks
15 years ago
for people to stop hating
Sarah A. White shares
15 years ago
CH Live: NYC - Baron Vaughn funniest shit ever (LOL)
Sarah A. White shares
15 years ago
The Ultimate Shoedown
Sarah A. White hopes
15 years ago
that i will be with mike forever
Sarah A. White hopes
15 years ago
that she gets sick enough that she doesn't have to go to Aruba so she can talk to her twin
Sarah A. White hates
15 years ago
yay new layout
Sarah A. White hates
15 years ago
being worried