scrim Pinion
67Friends 9Fans
male Second life
scrim Pinion
10 years ago
Cold from hell is rallying after what I thought was a solid defeat
scrim Pinion
10 years ago 1
I am so, so incredibly beyond screwed financially that the light from screwed will take years to reach me.
scrim Pinion
10 years ago
I have a new crush: Malukah
scrim Pinion
10 years ago 8
Oh, she said yes, btw (woot) (rock) (headspin)
scrim Pinion
10 years ago
It may not look like much...
scrim Pinion
10 years ago
Prolly not the first to come up with this but I've never heard it before: I just said "in a stroke of genius, or maybe just a stroke"
scrim Pinion
10 years ago
My job is tough, but the people I support are awesome. I'm showered in praise and little gifts all the time. It's not easy to find that.
scrim Pinion
10 years ago
My coworker & friend brought his 4 year old to work with him this afternoon. He's been here < 1 hour, and I'm already exhausted.
scrim Pinion
10 years ago 4
Complicated program I wrote suddenly ceases to function. I restart in attempt to remedy. Computer refuses to boot. Restore enables booting--
scrim Pinion
10 years ago
In other news, scrimmy had some major back pain going down so he took some srs pain pills but now he's all high and itchy.