66Friends 19Fans
male Kapalama, HI, United States
Super super super super super super super tired. But at least I'm on summer vacation.
scrivener is
16 years ago 3
losing interest in Plurk, even though my buddies are all interesting people.
scrivener shares
16 years ago 3
Feist on Sesame Street [Official Music Video] [HQ] W/Lyrics
scrivener says
16 years ago 1
participants in 's Little Game, please note that there is a change in the last question. :-)
scrivener says
16 years ago
new games begin right now at pop-culture junkies and trivia fanatics welcome...
scrivener is
16 years ago
on vacation and therefore not supposed to have Sunday Night Melancholy, but is feeling kinda moody. Sympathy pains for my friends, maybe?
scrivener says
16 years ago's Weekend Photo this week is one for the hall of fame.
scrivener has
16 years ago 2
just tried those fountain drinks where you can add flavored syrups to your soda. It's not bad, but diet soda isn't really helped by it.
scrivener says
16 years ago 1
"...and I love you...can't you see that I can say I love you honestly?"
scrivener says
16 years ago
my "mark all as read" is broken!
scrivener says
16 years ago 3
ikura sushi is sooooooo gross.