84Friends 111Fans
male New Haven, CT, United States
I'm now a PhD student in Computer Science Department of Yale University. My academical interests are programming languages, type, and analysis.
scw says
15 years ago 6
11/12 是蘿莉控之父誕辰!
scw says
15 years ago 1
終於連續兩個晚上用英文做夢了 orz orz orz
scw says
15 years ago 4
茶泡飯 (dance) 但是蒸蛋加太多酒了 orz
scw says
15 years ago 5
麻辣鍋 (banana_cool)
scw wants
15 years ago
ROMES ep3 啊 Q_Q
scw feels
15 years ago
damn it! Cannot even write down the proposition!
scw says
15 years ago 5
浴火鳳凰 (banana_rock)
scw says
15 years ago 3
殺作業!!! 殺~~~~~~~~~
scw says
15 years ago
第一次在美國開車就是 *五* 更半夜車主把車停在 Highway 的 Food&Fuel 說他不行了, 換我開回家 XDrz
scw says
15 years ago 6
下午去看的 where the wild things are 還不錯, 不過沒有讓我很 shock ~"~