84Friends 111Fans
male New Haven, CT, United States
I'm now a PhD student in Computer Science Department of Yale University. My academical interests are programming languages, type, and analysis.
scw is
15 years ago 1
so doomed. 10/13 Complexity HW3 due; 10/14 Computer music HW3 due; 10/15 Complexity midterm; 10/16 Formal semantics HW4 due. :-&
scw has
15 years ago
just entered data in DV lottery
scw thinks
15 years ago 5
TA is REALLY important here...
scw thinks
15 years ago 11
the mobile page for plurk is the better plurk
scw says
15 years ago
今天 laundry room 的收費系統掛掉了所以開放起免費的, 就把原先準備手洗的也丟一台洗, 再加烘乾 (菸)
scw says
15 years ago
Gilmore girls 超好笑的啊 xD 在台灣怎麼沒看過 xD
scw thinks
15 years ago 2
American Beauty is fantastic
15 years ago
finally went swimming, how can the last 400 yards be soooooo long..
scw says
15 years ago 1
scw says
15 years ago 2
原地跑的時候明顯感覺到身上的振動慣量多於以往 (doh) 慘了慘了 (gym)