23Friends 39Fans
female Sydney, NS, Canada
seajewelry is
15 years ago 3
in a gift guide on etsy www.etsy.com/view_listin...
seajewelry will
15 years ago
have listings up of leather keychains tomorrow "Biker Bitch" Motorcycle fashion at it's best.
seajewelry is
15 years ago 3
trying to get the sewing machine to work right but maybe it's too old :-(
seajewelry is
15 years ago
new leather cuffs www.etsy.com/view_listin...
seajewelry is
15 years ago
hoping the snow doesn't add up to much.
seajewelry is
15 years ago 1
Nova Scoita Beach glass on etsy www.etsy.com/shop.php?us...