11Friends 57Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
seamoss says
15 years ago
Excited about UF10 heavyweights.
seamoss says
15 years ago
Testing Echofon Ping.fm integration.
seamoss says
15 years ago
seamoss says
15 years ago
Ran out of invites.
seamoss says
15 years ago
I got 6 invites to Yahoo Meme. DM or @ me for a hookup.
seamoss says
15 years ago
Just got my invite for Yahoo Meme. *scavenges for API*
seamoss says
15 years ago
Almost time.
seamoss says
15 years ago
Apparently Brittany Spears is somewhere downtown. I gotta get out of here before every road is blocked.
seamoss says
15 years ago
RT pingfm: Ping.fm Blog - Trackin' Away (Official Word) - RT for a hug? (ping.fm/uyLhB)
seamoss says
15 years ago
You're out of touch. I'm out of time.