79Friends 14Fans
female Maldives
Don't try to run , honey.

No need to be in love when you find that someone.

Just like I should, I'll getcha good.
JOW! says
15 years ago
yeaaaaah! Ateneo won! (rock)
JOW! likes
15 years ago 8
her copy of NO FEAR, SHAKESPEARE: King Lear Edition :-D
JOW! says
15 years ago
JOW! says
15 years ago
bye. Might not be able to go OL on Sunday.
JOW! is
15 years ago
JOW! will
15 years ago 7
be buying a French Dictionary and a copy of King Lear.
JOW! will
15 years ago 8
have lots of tests to study for :|
JOW! says
15 years ago
JOW! will
15 years ago 1
have to leave na :'-( heyczenna, text me, ayt? :-)
JOW! says
15 years ago 1
it's 9:50 :"(