The Mad Malkav
66Friends 19Fans
male Winter Haven, FL, United States
DJ & Dancer @ T*TTY Twisters
DJ & Dancer @ BarbieDollz
Event Planner
Head DJ @ Sinner's Haven
Writer for Icon
Social Deviant
And I make stuff...
The Mad Malkav
12 years ago 5
I can subnet if I want to, I can leave my friends behind. Cuz if they don't subnet then they aint no friends of mine.. Btw, Fuck Subnetting
The Mad Malkav
12 years ago
Mornin fuckers, miss my demented and deviant ass?
The Mad Malkav
12 years ago
Dear Jack Daniels,
Well played sir, well played
The Mad Malkav
12 years ago 2
Sup fuckers
The Mad Malkav shares
13 years ago 3
MGM/Disney's Holiday Lights, Epileptics get half price.
The Mad Malkav
13 years ago 14
I am now the best uncle ever. Early birthday present for my niece. Took her to Disney World and then to Disney Hollywood aka the old MGM
The Mad Malkav
13 years ago
Mornin Fuckers
The Mad Malkav
13 years ago
So apparently Newt Cheated outa patriotic duty... Wow..Just wow...
The Mad Malkav
13 years ago 2
Mornin fuckers
The Mad Malkav
13 years ago 1
And I now have my tickets for Trans-Sib woot.