14Friends 22Fans
female Claremont, CA, United States
Shayna says
13 years ago
My hike today was beautiful but exhausting, so I'm off to bed early. Yes, I know its 9pm and I had a nap already. It was that exhausting.
Shayna says
13 years ago
Headache resolved. Thank modern medicine for advil and tylenol!
Shayna says
13 years ago
Worst headache ever. I am nauseous like with the headaches I got when I was a kid. Not fun.
Shayna says
13 years ago
Dog-sitting my neighbor's dog - my cats are actually totally fine with her! I see a puppy in my future. :-)
Shayna says
13 years ago
Busy day/week/month/life.
Shayna says
13 years ago
The doc said that it is strep, a cold, or allergies. Or some combination of allergies and an infection. Helpful.
Shayna says
13 years ago
I installed R and Notepad++ on my laptop today. I can't decide whether its more cool or nerdy. Probably more nerdy that I think its cool. :-)
Shayna says
13 years ago
Happy to report that my presentation went swimmingly this morning.
Shayna says
13 years ago 1
Dear allergies, You suck! Go away! Nobody likes you! With hatred, Shayna
Shayna says
13 years ago
Had a super-productive morning. Got tons of data, and I am happy to report that this experiment is almost finished!! :-)