30Friends 10Fans
female Philippines
enjoying my SECOND an abundant life that He promised=)
15 years ago 2
...I could sing of your love forever!!! thank you Lord for redeeming me
15 years ago
Faith is being sure of what you hope for and being certain of what you do not see.
15 years ago
Work in my life God..Speak to me, Im listening..Teach me God, Im willing to learn..Prompt me, Ill Obey.. Tell me what to do and I'"ll do it.
she814 is
15 years ago
gaining so much understanding..Help me Lord :-))
she814 says
15 years ago
i miss the talks with peeps over coffee..bored :-(
she814 says
15 years ago
thanks Mr. Geoffrey Tan Sy! u remind me..... :-)
she814 says
15 years ago 1
fight the good fight of FAITH..Standing in your ways Lord (heart)
15 years ago 1
we must remember that Jesus Christ did not come to make a bad person good; Jesus Christ came to make a DEAD person ALIVE (Ephesians2:1-10)
15 years ago
true FASTING is....
she814 is
15 years ago
seriously praying for this nation..this sun-scorched land will be flooded with Living Water.great plans for this land.