Tiger Doughnut
34Friends 5Fans
Nemo, SD, United States
Scorched: Ginko (from Mushishi) and Barnaby Brooks Jr. (from Tiger & Bunny)

Citadel: Ginko

My muselist/list of the journals I own: silentrooms.dreamwidth.org/5948.html
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 4
[Music] Put another x on the calendar, summer's on its deathbed/there is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends~
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 10
...why are tags hard, srsly
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 85
My character whispers in your character's ear: "Tonight I'm going to fuck you." How do they react?
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 3
plurk stop being a douchenozzle
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 4
...plurk, did you do something
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 5
[homestuck] omg these are teh cutest gifs http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4rwp93xxk1rqqpxu.gif
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 4
leaving for a bit, have to help get grandma as well as go with my mom to do other stuff for some reason
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 4
[homestuck] I'm dying at this Red Dwarf reference
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 140
So, it looks like Ginko is going to be a vampire snack
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 4
...last night of vacation /sigh