Tiger Doughnut
34Friends 5Fans
Nemo, SD, United States
Scorched: Ginko (from Mushishi) and Barnaby Brooks Jr. (from Tiger & Bunny)

Citadel: Ginko

My muselist/list of the journals I own: silentrooms.dreamwidth.org/5948.html
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 23
/crawls into wakefulness
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 75
I think I need to babble about Where My Characters' Heads Are At
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 5
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 86
..i will never not be amused that my mother calls firefox 'Mozilla Foxfire' EDIT spoilers for X-Men First Class
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 2
You have been transformed into the character you're logged in as!
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 81
and kitten plot is started
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 23
[T&B] ...tmw you realize that your character has started off at odds with every single person he's friends with now
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago 6
ugh, going to bed now