watchig grant o'brien flail about talking about D&D is a treat
whee landed in Minneapolis
[d20] help I have watched like five minutes of the new season and I love everything Ify is doing
for all that I may complain about my employer at times, genuinely very pleased that they have decided just giving us a week off in the middle of the summer is a great idea
shit just found out one of my VO pals from disco is in LoL now
wake up in the morning with my histamines going wild and immediately amazon order new filters for my air purifiers
[game changer] Zac Oyama is a national treasure
mumbles why am i so tired all the time
man i can tell im getting pms emotional cuz i just cried watching the end of the latest season of gbbo
[work] discovered today that my boss watched the entire Jenny Nicholson Star Wars Hotel video