Pocket Ginger!
27Friends 4Fans
female Bowling Green, KY, United States
I love piggy back rides.

Enough said?
Pocket Ginger!
7 years ago 6
Hello, plurk!! What is your favourite chocolatey recipe, if you have one?
Pocket Ginger!
8 years ago 11
I decided to let all of my coworkers figure out how old I am instead of telling them since my birthday was yesterday. The guesses are encouraging. Yay being short for once!
Pocket Ginger!
8 years ago 7
[to do!!] Okay, work the late shift tonight, and then ... !!
Pocket Ginger!
8 years ago 10
[rat sickness] So, I'm going to take Simon back to the vet tomorrow.
Pocket Ginger!
8 years ago 3
Happy Force Awakens Day!!
Pocket Ginger!
8 years ago 6
I have the best roommate ever. :| And no one can argue. End of story. [Heart]
Pocket Ginger!
8 years ago 12
bokononist 's hammock just came, and I am convinced it weighs more than both of us combined. :T BUT. It is now inside. Success.
Pocket Ginger!
8 years ago 8
Nope. I absolutely do not dance around the house, singing loudly and obnoxiously while to myself as I get ready if I'm the only one home. :T That is not me.
Pocket Ginger!
8 years ago 13
[meme] My real name is Hannah Lu O'Mohundro but, but, but!!
Pocket Ginger!
8 years ago 16
[ rl/pokemon/adorable nerd boy ] So bokononist and I were in the bagel shop at her work, talking to the nerd boy with the amazing smile about pokemon!!