39Friends 19Fans
male Espoo, Finland
silpol says
16 years ago 7
kuuut mornin'k, dearst Plurkistan :-)
silpol says
16 years ago
gut evenin'k ;-)
silpol says
16 years ago 3
hmm, lovely company bought plazes... dunno what really feel about that - to celebrate or what? wish they don't ground it B-)
silpol says
16 years ago 3
mornin'k... or good day, actually, but anyways - feel good, my neighbors (s_high_five)
silpol says
16 years ago 1
in about hour whole Helsinki-based Nokia (which is huge) will go crazy nuts (s_dance) - last year pics
silpol says
16 years ago 2
hey all
silpol says
16 years ago
Mornink... (s_dance)
silpol thinks
16 years ago
plurk is over-explosive as mindstream... (woot)
silpol says
16 years ago 4
ok, I'll try de-plurk-isation for while, just to see how deep they try to eat my karma. see u around, and you know where to find me...
silpol says
16 years ago 3
you eat my Karma, you little plurk? ok, let's see who is stronger...