2Friends 4Fans
female Sugar Land, TX, United States
My brain is like salad dressing; if you give it a good shake, all the little floaty bits and oils mix together and create something delicious.

LSU EE Major. No sleep yay!
silvercaladan feels
16 years ago
like shit. Yay for parties not being worth it. lol.
silvercaladan is
16 years ago
frustrated with her parents for packing the Wii in the Uhaul. Wtf, you know how much it costs, why'd you put it where it'll break?!
16 years ago
isn't going to get that sleep that she needs.
silvercaladan needs
16 years ago
a bit more sleep.
silvercaladan wishes
16 years ago
she hadn't just spent two hours in the doctor's office. fuck.
silvercaladan hopes
16 years ago
tonight goes well. She would hate to start such a vital week off so very, very wrong.
silvercaladan hopes
16 years ago
this business with her schedule will work out... she's worrying herself sick over it.
silvercaladan has
16 years ago
been reading the comments pages on the FoxNewsSports website. It's mostly USC (condom) fans and LSU fans yelling at each other. Hilarious!
16 years ago
eee! This SG1/Buffy/StarWars cross just tossed in some Torchwood for good measure. Start at the beginning...
silvercaladan is
16 years ago
sunburned out the wazoo.