12Friends 1Fans
female Itam, Malaysia
Tortoise is my cover, Pig is my label, Angry bird is what I am.
13 years ago 2
Tortoise is my cover, Pig is my label, Angry bird is what I am. 8-)
13 years ago 5
don't blame me for poor writing skills, I am not ABC, and I only got a chance to learn English when I was 7.
sleepiepig loves
13 years ago 2
waking up early in the morning with a dizzy brain...Pervert... :-&
sleepiepig hates
13 years ago 5
not properly shutting down her laptop. This stops her from reaching internet for several hours. Now, I wanna say, Internet Bansai! (devil)
sleepiepig wonders
13 years ago 11
why people like keeping a spare tyre to him/herself?Don't they think this is a selfish action? (nottalking)
13 years ago 9
人都有自恋的一面,以为自己很漂亮,很英俊,很能干,很聪颖, 就因此而忽略了身边比他更好的人. (thinking)
13 years ago 6
breakfast-instant noodles,lunch-mash potato,dinner-apex?
13 years ago 4
不同的人,不同的感想. (thinking)
sleepiepig thinks
13 years ago 13
what a lazy girl she is. (:
13 years ago 15