8Friends 19Fans
male Singapore
sohwc is
15 years ago
sohwc is
15 years ago 1
awake :B waiting for baby the zhuzhu :B
sohwc says
15 years ago
early morning got scolding? z!
sohwc is
15 years ago 1
miss you badly! baby:-D
sohwc is
15 years ago
tired when think of sch... ZZ how i wish forever no study :-)
sohwc loves
15 years ago 1
Baby and so happy now! :-D
sohwc says
15 years ago
it's 11th~! 3rd month :B :-D
sohwc wants
15 years ago
to see baby :-(
sohwc likes
15 years ago
baby alotalot! :-D
sohwc feels
15 years ago
feeel bad about ytd ._.