SolidSmack (Rock it!)
109Friends 41Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
I write about Tech, 3D CAD and Deisgn on - check it out!
SolidSmack (Rock it!) is
16 years ago 1
having some chicken and black beans with a greek feta sauce. awesOMEly GOOD.
SolidSmack (Rock it!) says
16 years ago 1
YOU don't need to be the expert.
SolidSmack (Rock it!) is
16 years ago 2
reading "Building an Internet Business on less than $20 a month."
SolidSmack (Rock it!) says
16 years ago 4
goodmorning plurkers. Is it only Wednesday?
SolidSmack (Rock it!) is
16 years ago 1
outta here today. have a good morning/afternoon/night!
SolidSmack (Rock it!) asks
16 years ago
Where's the best place to get a Laptop online?
SolidSmack (Rock it!) asks
16 years ago 9
Who plays drums here?
SolidSmack (Rock it!) has
16 years ago
cookie, coffee, cookie, coffee, cookie, coffee, cookie, cookie...
SolidSmack (Rock it!) asks
16 years ago 1
have you scrolled back through all your Plurks? That is one crazy timeline.