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male Aurora, CO, United States
15 years ago
This shouldn't bother anyone, they do this sort of stuff in Cuba and the old USSR. "A suggested lesson plan that calls on students
15 years ago
Does this scare anyone? A "pandemic response bill" currently making its way through the Massachusetts state legislature would allo
15 years ago
still finds it funny that hardcore lefties still insist on responding to any criticism of President Obama with "But Bush did the s
15 years ago
Knows that some do not like these posts. But here is another "Details of a revamped version of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 show
stevenwwright is
15 years ago
wondering if there are any registered Democrats who are concerned about the direction of this country? I would be interested in he
15 years ago
doesn't understand why people are upset with President being on vacation in Martha's Vineyard. He has pretty much been on vacation
15 years ago
What would Teddy Do?
stevenwwright is
15 years ago
pondering the new Socialized Health Care pitch "Do it for Ted Kennedy". Never thought there would come a day when I would hear thi
stevenwwright is
15 years ago
pondering the accusation by the Colorado State Dem Party that a republican vandalised their headquarters. How could a Republican e
stevenwwright is
15 years ago
pondering how significant an additional 2 Trillion dollars clerical error is with respect to the national debt. 2 billion I could