Unfortunately the nap didn't win...been working for the last 4 hours or 5 hours...with at least that many to go!
Trying to decide whether or not to start working or take a nap first...decisions, decisions...
Missing Holly & Audrey and wondering how I'm going to finish all this stuff by Monday....hmmm
Gonna be workin' on the system all weekend...gotta love schedule slips (or not)
Finally got all the video recorded tonight...now just need to edit and produce. System launch pushed back to next Monday so there's time!
Getting ready to head back to the studio to shoot some more video...
feverishly trying to bring all the pieces together...
Ok, enough for one night...bedtime.
1:57am...still working on videos...making progress, but sometimes learning by making mistakes gets a little old...
wondering why a website that worked 5 minutes ago isn't working now...