91Friends 15Fans
male Second life
Formerly the star of my own machinima hit show, now just a private citizen. They can replicate my blueprint but they cannot take my soul...MESH - gut jawohl!
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
MetaMeets 2012 - my two cents on the Metaverse YouTube
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12 years ago
#secondlife doc Login2Life streaming now germanonlinetv.blogspot....
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12 years ago
new episode "Shooting Stuff..." Flufee on a Meshion - Episode 16: Shooting Stuff...
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12 years ago paTROL IN DEAD END....
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12 years ago
Flufee on a Meshion - Episode 5: Monster Mesh.... tis the season to fluff up some candy!
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12 years ago 2
Flufee on a Meshion - Episode 15: Flufee for Residen... next 10 commenters get an SL hoodie and the 10 after that enter the raffle for a RL hoodie with my mugshot!
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12 years ago
After Mitt Romney defunds PBS: Sesame Street shot in #secondlife on b&w sets. Great news for machinima!
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12 years ago too many Katees? Season premiere #secondlife TOMORROW!