機會,是留給準備好的人 When one door closes, another opens up for you. Don't rely so much on Luck, because we all have equal possibilities.
holy mama, it's February already! @0@
我竟然忘記給自己打個鎮定劑, 忘了給別人打個強心劑, now I can only hope for the best, plan for the worst.
"成功的男人背後有個偉大的女人, 成功後的男人需要一個女人來分享他的偉大, 而那個女人偏偏不是妳"
Reminder: Shall hit Seattle again next year around mid Jan, because thaz when the Winter Clearance Sale begins XDDD! happiii
雖然在家 但可以做好多好多自己的事情 讓生活充實一點
to do a lot of things, requires a lot of motivations!!!
just watched "It's Complicated", 好想自己也開個bakery喔~ 但這部電影的結尾有點"刷\刷\" i was like wtf?
just watched a Taiwanese movie called 聽說 "Hear Me", I am impressed, the production was very simple but it gives u mixed feelings/bittersweet