♥ ; 7263272
103Friends 93Fans
female Singapore
Slacking, hanging out with friends, playing b.ball with friends. Comics and animes are lurved!! && I love 8664 ! <33

My blog : th-emoprincess.blogspot.com :-D
My msn : [email protected] :-D
♥ ; 7263272 says
12 years ago
Wth , my maya keep crashingggg !
♥ ; 7263272 says
12 years ago
It's just so sad that we are gonna be strangers .
♥ ; 7263272 says
12 years ago
I know who is truly good to me & whose not .
♥ ; 7263272 says
12 years ago
I try to believe every word your sweet story . But intuition keeps telling me , You're making fool out of me .
♥ ; 7263272 says
12 years ago
I try to believe every word your sweet story . But intuition keeps telling me , You're making fool out of me .
♥ ; 7263272 says
12 years ago
♥ ; 7263272 says
12 years ago
Don't tell me sorry cause you're not .
♥ ; 7263272 says
12 years ago
Make me your radio , turn me on when you feel low .
♥ ; 7263272 says
12 years ago
Going to give myself a short break tomorrow <:
♥ ; 7263272 says
12 years ago
Pasar malam so many nice iPhone case ><