Just Suri
191Friends 33Fans
female United States
amateur photographer/blogger/posemaker.
marathon shopper. *Owner of a teeny store [socialANGtz] *poses
Just Suri wonders
12 years ago
if she needs all the hairbases for the new bodyco skin
Just Suri shares
12 years ago 4
new years resolution one: to remember to take tea bag out of mug before the bag adheres itself to mug.
Just Suri shares
12 years ago 2
Just Suri shares
12 years ago 5
vogue and voguegirl Korea www.style.co.kr/voguegir...
oh color you make me so happy!
Just Suri says
12 years ago 2
I love when I have time to take pics in sl and everything goes smoothly it is such a joy.
Just Suri says
12 years ago
hmm kombucha! (drinking)
Just Suri says
12 years ago 11
sometimes I start responding to a plurk and then I think to myself...I really don't care and delete it.
Just Suri says
13 years ago 6
favorite home and garden stores?