12Friends 38Fans
female Pembroke Pines, FL, United States
Eco friendly business owner making a difference in the world. mother to two. Check me out at www.TaraBurner.com
taraburner has
15 years ago
review/demo of burpee eco friendly seed starter kit up at www.taraburner.tv/garden... for those planting/gardening soon
taraburner says
15 years ago
my thoughts on Twilight www.taraburner.com/blog/...
15 years ago 4
droppin in for a quick plurk and run! how's everyone?
15 years ago
shy or smart? which one do u think? www.taraburner.com/blog/...
15 years ago 3
just for Keltic..pics/video to prove rabbit cage done! www.taraburner.tv/animal...
15 years ago 9
good evening plurkers :-)
15 years ago
doesnt have time for plurk so if any of u need me, email me at [email protected] i'll be on here less and less
taraburner is
15 years ago 3
way behind here...was busy with work today and then building a new 'house' for Edward rabbit
taraburner is
15 years ago 7
making DS his bday cake..ouch he'll be TWENTY tomorrow!
taraburner says
15 years ago
Tomorrow 3/1 is "official" launch of www.TeenMineralMakeup.co...