27Friends 35Fans
female Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Its not the clothes...
itS nOt the hAir..
ItS nOt the LoOks..
iTs noT the Eyes..
ItS not tHe Appearance...

(Get tO KnoW Me..)www.pinoyrepublic.org/index.php?referrerid=1136
BeWare..! yOu miGht Fall fOr me..!!
**t4w3ng** says
15 years ago 4
paupdate,, (sleeping)
**t4w3ng** says
15 years ago 2
**t4w3ng** says
15 years ago
paupdate lang mornenggggg!!!!!
**t4w3ng** says
15 years ago 8
karma down na namn??? (angry)
**t4w3ng** says
15 years ago
**t4w3ng** says
15 years ago
**t4w3ng** says
15 years ago
hala..!?karma down ako??isang araw lng di nalaupdate..? (angry)amff..!!
**t4w3ng** says
15 years ago
paupdate bago slip..heheheh
**t4w3ng** says
15 years ago
pa updaaaaaatteeee,,,,
**t4w3ng** says
15 years ago 7
Dear Plurk..paupdate lang ha???break ko kasi..hihihi (LOL)