123Friends 58Fans
female San Diego, CA, United States
cram it with walnuts, ugly
techgirl♥bacon says
16 years ago 12
oh no! no more muxtape:
techgirl♥bacon says
16 years ago 8
that it is time for 4pm coffee!
techgirl♥bacon thinks
16 years ago 18
something is wrong with her 100-400mm lens:-(
techgirl♥bacon is
16 years ago 16
watching the latest ep of project runway au.
techgirl♥bacon is
16 years ago 11
thinking about going to photograph panda's today
techgirl♥bacon is
16 years ago 12
having a cup of coffee and has yet to spill it.
techgirl♥bacon shares
16 years ago 8 how many atoms of jesus do you eat in a day?
techgirl♥bacon says
16 years ago 312
it's time for more lies about Parl's pants.
techgirl♥bacon wishes
16 years ago 12
it wasn't so easy to bait the pro-carbon credits people.
techgirl♥bacon is
16 years ago 8
still fighting the urge to go back to sleep.