123Friends 58Fans
female San Diego, CA, United States
cram it with walnuts, ugly
techgirl♥bacon is
16 years ago 5
looking for a house rental in palo alto and menlo park that allows dogs and has a garden.
techgirl♥bacon is
16 years ago 2
back from the beach.
techgirl♥bacon shares
16 years ago 3 hope everyone is safe!
techgirl♥bacon says
16 years ago 19
tomorrow is intl BACON day!
techgirl♥bacon says
16 years ago 17
she's given up on twitter except for gpstwit because the map label cracks me up:
techgirl♥bacon is
16 years ago 7
making almond paste
techgirl♥bacon shares
16 years ago 7
techgirl♥bacon says
16 years ago 13
my hovercraft is full of eels