27Friends 58Fans
male Santa Ana, CA, United States
I'm the CEO/Co-Founder of TechZulu. Founded in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in Southern California in the tech and media space, TechZulu is rapidly growing to
techzulu says
12 years ago
Catch #Mindshare50 Talks Live on TechZulu - We are just days away from celebrating Mindshare in its 50th consecutive...
techzulu says
12 years ago
TechZulu Presents Tech & Entertainment: Disruption versus Destruction
techzulu says
12 years ago
Announcing Silicon Beach Fest! | June 21-23 - TechZulu is proud to team up with Digital LA and accelerators Amplify,...
techzulu says
12 years ago
Music Prodigy | Creating Real Musicians with Rock Prodigy - For most the dreams of becoming a guitar shredding god a...
techzulu says
12 years ago
Enjoy The New TechZulu - I'd like to start out with a HUGE virtual hug to our awesome community. It's been 4 amazin...
techzulu says
12 years ago
Experience the mind-meld that is #Mindshare50 - Its tagline is "enlightened debauchery." Its been called what would ...
techzulu says
12 years ago
Experience The Mind-Meld That Is #Mindshare50 - Its tagline is "enlightened debauchery." Its been called what would ...
techzulu says
12 years ago
Moofaces | Who You Know Matters - We've all have heard the great expression, "it's all about who you know" more time...
techzulu says
12 years ago
Diving Into Google Drive - Google Drive is a cloud-service for files that offers 5GB of space to use however you wis...
techzulu says
12 years ago
Zite | Your Personalized Magazine - One thing Internet technologies have brought us over time is the increasing abil...