Pumpkin Bumpkin
31Friends 2Fans
Indiana, United States
bg image from fyusnk @ twitter
icon image from kzfm0 @ twitter
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago 17
Here's my hottest take
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago 87
JULY PLOTTING - Dimitri will be going Feral, oops!
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago 21
there are two wolves inside of me one of them wants ingrid to be a big ol lesbian and the other loves sylvigrid
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago 5
[meme] https://images.plurk.com/4GM5tuojWHWrYiWUDY5UoJ.jpg
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago 57
I'll be getting event starters together over the next few days, in the mean time, feel free to plot w me!
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago 81
Dimitri on the CR meme time to tag around
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago 28
watching atla for the first time (very late i know)
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago 19
[meme] give me fandom and I'll reply with a STRONG OPINION
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago 19
[fe3g/cos] you are my dad! you're my dad!!! boogie woogie woogie woogie ((rodrigue costest))
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago 58
[fe3h] one of my favorite bad qualities of dimitri's is how he always qualifies terrible acts of violence